Glory Bishop lives her life in pieces. At work and with her friends, she speaks her mind. But at home, she follows strict rules handed down by her mother.

Please don’t take offense to what I’m about to say, but this book is filled with CRAZY people. How those surrounding these characters couldn’t see that crazy and not call them out on it, I’ll never know. The only character who seemed to have some common sense was Glory’s boss. I liked him and he became the saving grace of this story for this reader.

Reading Glory Bishop felt like reading slightly different versions of the same thing over and over. This was disappointing because there are other plot points that should have and could have been explored further, that I wanted to know more about. However, having said all that I found Glory’s story oddly compelling. I finished the book because I needed to know if Glory would grow up and become a woman with her own mind and stop letting others run her life. This question is what kept me turning the pages.

Here we go again with the however or but! The ending was abrupt and I don’t feel it did justice to Glory’s story. I didn’t close the book with a clear picture of where Glory’s life was headed. There needed to be an an epilogue as the story felt unfinished and left this reader lacking closure.

For a debut novel this book isn’t bad, though it had good bones that could have been improved upon. I would pick up this author’s next book with hopes that with each book the author’s craft improves.

The author provided me with a copy of the ebook in exchange for my honest review.


Rating: 3 stars

Reviewer: Jennifer

Title: Glory Bishop

Author: Deborah King

Release Date: June 4, 2019

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