Alisha Rai followed up her seriously amazing first book in the Forbidden Hearts series with another stunner here. When I say this series is not to be missed I am not exaggerating! I am always recommending it. It has everything from star crosses lovers to forbidden lovers to some crazy good family drama. Drop everything. DO IT. 

The Kanes and the Chandlers are the warring families in this series and *phew*, the drama between these two groups is intense. This books pretty much picks up where the last one left off with Sadia running the cafe her late husband Paul left her. Her brother-in-law Jackson has been missing-in-action for years. She’s been emailing him for years but hasn’t had almost any responses. When Jackson shows up at the beginning of the book the two have a difficult time not being drawn to each other.

If you could follow all that, just wait until you read the book. The world is so rich with secondary characters that I want to know them all. I feel that this is a book that is greatly enriched by having read the first book because there is such a strong back story with family history. So I would definitely do that first – plus the first book is o.m.g. good so it’s seriously not a hardship.

I have such a girl crush on Sadia. I love this character. She is strong and more than able to do it all – take care of her son, run the cafe, and be a wonderful friend. Even better is that when sparks do fly with Jackson she is the aggressor and there’s a character after my own heart right there. She knows what she wants and she goes after it with both hands. Alisha Rai has this excellent power to write incredibly powerful female characters who are so well rounded and leap off the page. Seriously, do yourself a favor and read this series!

“My dream is for you to let me love you. And maybe, someday, you can love me back. You don’t have to love me a lot. A little love is enough.”
“You want a relationship. ”
“I don’t care what you call it. I want to fall asleep with you. I want to have a family. I want to travel with you all over the world and then come back to our home. I used to walk away from the hard stuff, but I figured, maybe this one time, I could try fighting for it. And I would fight. “

Rating: 5 Stars

Reviewer: Melinda

Title: Wrong to Need You

Author: Alisha Rai

Release Date: November 27, 2017

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